Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Over the past several months, the numerous news stories about sexual harassment by public figures has shined a much overdo spotlight on a major problem in our society. People are now coming to realize how serious and extensive the cancer of sexual harassment in the workplace really is. Sexual harassment is common across the entire spectrum of private and public employment, and it is perpetrated by persons in positions of power and influence. The realization of the problem's massive scale, however, has also brought about an awakening in our society--an awakening that people who have been the victims of sexual harassment have legal rights and don't have to passively tolerate or accept this type of inappropriate behavior. Victims of harassment are starting to bravely speak up, saying "me too" and telling their stories about their own experiences.

As most people now know from the news, sexual harassment can consist of unwanted touching, verbal comments of a sexual nature, and other conduct such as exposing one's private parts to co-workers or employees. While sexual harassment can take many forms, in all its forms it is wrong, morally reprehensible, and illegal.

The law allows victims of sexual harassment to sue under a variety of theories, including for assault and wrongful termination. If you've been the victim of sexual harassment, you too may have a claim under the law. KP Law will stand shoulder to shoulder with you to stop this kind of behavior and enforce your legal rights by seeking appropriate monetary compensation. Call us today, and tell us your story